About Us
Dear Visitor,
Welcome on the 777’s website! So what is to be known about us and our site?
Our great dream came true on 4 April, 2016 when news and blogger site 777 was launched. We dreamed of a website that resembles its editors and writers: cheerful, yet serious when needed, optimistic, open to life, but first and foremost, Christian.
But who should the audience be? Everybody who’s open to our represented values regardless of being a believer or no(t yet). The editors and writers of 777 all belong to historical Christian Churches: the majority is Roman Catholic and some are Calvinists and Lutherans. Our goal was to create a niche website in Hungary: to report news, conduct interviews, blog, recommend music, present events while sticking to Christian values.
News and blogs are the two basic pillars we build on; the former avoiding daily politics without becoming apolitical; the latter representing opinions and the everyday life of our writers. Our team is built up by clergy and civils from different ages, whilst sharing common values. Daily encouraging messages, nice and thought-provoking photos, proverbs and short thoughts are regularly posted on our Facebook page.
We work on a voluntary basis, while having jobs, attending universities, managing family and priesthood. We experience the fruit of this ministration every day, and it is of utmost importance for us. If you can support us, click here for more information. To read more about us and the history of the website, click here to find the chief editor’s interview.
Dear Visitor, we hope you’ll find pleasure in reading our writings and that you’ll highly recommend our great dream, the 777 website and our Facebook page to your friends.
Should you have any questions or comments in relation to the website, please send us a note by clicking to contact.
Happy reading and browsing!
The writers and co-workers of 777:

Lídia Lelle Bartos

Fr. Gergő Bese

Rita Bonifert

Virág Dallos

Bence Forintos

Dóra Harmati

Márk Barnabás Herényi

Tibor Hortobágyi

Anna Kunszabó

Eszter Kunszabó

Katalin Lábánné Hollai

Tamás Lábán

Zoltán Martí

Anna Szilágyi